Today we were welcomed in Eskimo fashion at the Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton. We were greeted by Dave the Communications coordinator, and Rick LeLacheur (President and CEO of the Edmonton Eskimos).
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Welcome to Eskimo Country & The Monster Boys
Today we were welcomed in Eskimo fashion at the Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton. We were greeted by Dave the Communications coordinator, and Rick LeLacheur (President and CEO of the Edmonton Eskimos).
Friday, May 29, 2009
Day of Difficulties

Even though Edmonton is only 154km away from Red Deer today was a day composed of difficulties! I woke up late due to sleeping near a road in which motorcycles/large trucks felt it necessary to rev their engines as loud as possible in neighborhoods. I proceeded with yet another groggy morning, and not wanting to get out of bed period! Finally I pulled everything together and got right on the road while my support vehicle sorted some issues out.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Even Though Creston is Not on Route they are Difference Makers

It just happened was in between them and the sign and swerved quickly out of the way as the driver came back to reality and slammed on his brakes for a close call. This occurred on Old Banff Coach Road and if the driver ever reads this I hope you make a sizable donation to Chase the Cure! Luckily I was aware and escaped, seeing the other lane was completely empty and was able to use it to my advantage to get a safe amount away!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Calgary Stampeders Joined the 'Chase' to end cancer today at McMahon Stadium! When I arrived at the stadium, the Chase was greeted by a pile of stampeder staff, and smiling generous faces. I actually had to ride through a tunnel of Outrider Cheerleaders' pom poms who were extremely excited about the Chase and I thank them for that!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Together We Ride!!!!

As I always love to say "Together We Ride". This is because I know that while I am riding my bike across Canada to end cancer there are many that continue to inspire me, and others to make a difference. This is shown right here, Jesse Marques and Larry Franz from St. Paul's High School turning the wheels with Wes Day on May. 21st. Together Larry Franz, 14 student riders, and the student body of St. Paul's High School raised an outstanding $4000.00 for the Winnipeg Region to fight back against Cancer. These difference makers need to be commended on their hard work, and I am sure that they will inspire many to make a difference in the fight against cancer! I thank all who were involved in this ride!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009
Chase the Cure Rolls into Calgary
Today was a different day I can say at the least! We drove out to Banff to meet Sid from TSN, and problems occurred right away! Before starting the shoot, I realized a part was missing from my bike, so we completed the portrait shots in a gorgeous area just outside of Banff. I must say that Sid was amazing at working with the scenery, framing to create an unbelievable shot every time. From there we went and got the part that was needed from Doug at Magic Mountain in Banff who generously gave me the part for free as his donation! We were on the road biking into a strong headwind! Just after crossing out of the Banff Provincial Park, my back tire popped. We sat at a standstill and Sid filmed while I changed my tire. Once it was fixed, I hoped on my bike and went into Canmore for a washroom break! I walked out of the doors after a break to rain and stronger headwinds, and unable to find Sid or Ashley in the support vehicle but continued to bike! I biked frustrated by the headwinds for around a half hour before Sid came past me and set up another shot!
Through all the frustration I managed to meet an amazing human being, in Sid from TSN, he was a wonderful character who seemed just as devoted to Chase the Cure as many are and I thank him for that!
I came home tonight to meet a young man by the name of Tyler Remington (above) who is truly a difference-maker in the fight against cancer. He made an extremely generous contribution to Chase the Cure in Alberta to help those who are currently fighting in this province.
I also found out that two friends of mine Sid and Robin had stopped by the house and decided to ride with us (as you can see below Robin is Riding in style)
I thank Robin and Sid for their extremely generous donation, and I want them to know that their money will make a difference in the fight against cancer!!! I thank these individuals for starting off the Chase the Cure Alberta campaign so successfully and I encourage others to join and make a difference in the fight against cancer by chasing the cure as these individuals have.
That is all for now! Much Love and Goodnight :)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Alberta Bound!!!!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009
The day Wes wasn't biking alone...
St. Paul's High School in Winnipeg, MB decided today was the day they were "Turning the Wheels with Wes". What started as an idea for a small fundraiser turned into something huge. From 8 a.m. (before many students were even arriving at the school) until 3:30 p.m. (when most of the kids were leaving) Larry Franz, the organizer and teacher, along with 14 students he rounded up, biked in half hour sessions for the entire day.
In order to ride, students were expected to raise pledges for Chase the Cure, but Mr. Franz and his gang didn't stop there. They also had a loonie jar for donations, so that passersby could drop a small donation at the riding site. A donation got them a ticket voucher which entered them to win a variety of donated Chase the Cure-related prizes. People were so generous, that many didn't leave just a loonie, and the jar was filled with almost $300 by the end of the day!! Plus, they sold t-shirts for us, too!! As if that wasn't enough, they played our TSN clip at the riding site the entire day, and gave us a lot of exposure.
Mr. Franz, his riders, and the many other generous people who contributed at St. Paul's today managed to raise over $3700 for the cause, and for that I am incredibly grateful. However, as awesome as their efforts were, and as generous at everyone at St. Paul's was today, I was even more affected by the personal lives they touched through their ride with their "Chase the Cure cards". Mr. Franz encouraged people coming by to write the name of a loved one who was/is being affected by cancer. The wall was plastered with cards and my heart goes out to all of you who had the strength to make your pain public. You are the reason we are doing this ride.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Wonderful day and Wonderful Stay in Kelowna

Monday, May 18, 2009
A Day in Kelowna!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Early Morning Risers: Merritt To Kelowna!!!
Today the day started off too early in my opinion! The alarm sounded at 5:30am and I felt like I had just hit the right crack on my bed to have a restful sleep. I lazed around for a few minutes before I decided to assemble my things and have a delicious breakfast of yogurt and granola, and a bagel with jam and peanut butter. Following this I hopped on my bike and ascended directly out of the town of Merritt. There were numerous climbs on the 150km route towards Kelowna. A little larger struggle came when a headwind, combined with the hills made the going difficult. At 40kms in, after a hill climb my back tire tube had blown. I assembled my things on the side of the road and began to work on getting a spare in place, ironic as the day before I had helped a older couple change their tire on their car. I finally managed to pull myself back on to the road, and continue on my way to Kelowna.
Once the RV arrived, my brother decided he wanted to bike the last 60km with me, lucky for him that, there was one more large uphill, to be followed by 25km of straight downhill! We reached a max speed of 75km/hr but had a headwind holding us back from going faster. Even more delightful the temperature was reaching 25 degrees Celsius.The scenery going down was absolutely stunning, beautiful mountains dropping down towards the valley which is something that most definitely needs to be seen!!!! We arrived in Kelowna and were greeting by a friends of mine, one generous one in particular who is allowing us to situate ourselves within their home :). Special thanks to the Pendleton's. It is late here and I am absolutely exhausted so I shall be off to bed for now!! We will be spending the next few days in Kelowna as we are ahead of schedule and look forward to what Kelowna has to offer in the "Chase"
Friday, May 15, 2009
Losing and Finding Myself (Day 2)

I was met by a woman running alongside her husband's bike. I stopped to ask them for directions back to the Trans-Canada Highway. After his directions had me walking through a marsh, I stumbled across a bus driver and asked him for directions. He gave some pretty thorough directions and set off to pick up his students. As it turned off, they also led me slightly astray. An hour later, a pedestrian gave me directions that successfully led me to the Trans-Canada Highway.
Following this, I traveled to hope where I met up with the support vehicle and had some lunch and a power nap :). From there, I traveled up and over one of the most intimidating passes on route to Calgary - the Coquihalla. It reaches 1,244 m and has some fairly steep climbing grades!! Overall, everything went pretty smoothly and I arrived at the top.

My journey ended with me getting chased by three German Shepherds and another bumblebee "situation" - this time in my ear. I have a feeling this recurring bumblebee theme will not be ending any time soon :). I'll keep you posted.
Overall, today was just as fulfilling as yesterday. I'm continually touched by the generosity of the amazing everyday people around me.
Together We Ride.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Inspiring Beginning
Today we launched from Steve Fonyo Beach in Victoria. I must say that there are many stories I could tell from just one day. I will share a few that stick out for me.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Chase the Cure Begins Tomorrow
Mile 0, marks many symbolic beginnings. Where Terry Fox was supposed to finish his journey, yet in my mind completed his journey. As he completed his goal of inspiring many across Cancer. It marks the beginning of Canada going from West to East. It marks the beginning of Chase the Cure.
Tomorrow is the first leg of Chase the Cure, I will take my bike down to the water and dip the back wheel into the Pacific Ocean, and begin to travel coast to coast. I have a variety of feelings going through my body right now, excitement, concerned, and not knowing what to expect. Yet there is a overwhelming calm in myself, as I am completely and solely focused on making a difference in Victoria and encouraging Canadians here to make a difference.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Winnipeg Launch at Earls Polo Park