Saturday, May 23, 2009

Alberta Bound!!!!!!

I was going to write a blog last night yet when I nestled up in my fantastic fleece blanket with the computers on my belly, I realized that there was no internet connection. So I shall fill you in on the last two days!

I started out early at Sicamous BC (The above picture is from the D'Dutchman Dairy which contains the best chocolate milk in the world), even though the original plan would put me a day ahead it was to try and get up and over Rogers Pass to Golden 210km before the weekend. The rational behind this is it can be a dangerous bike ride through tunnels with traffic during the weekends. I have to admit this decision was a fantastic one! There were no side areas a cyclist could walk their bike
e past the tunnels and the only solution was to go directly through. It is a crazy feeling going through these tunnels completely dark and
 the angry engines of semi's echoing off the walls. 
I must admit the going was not easy through this area, but I was continually inspired throughout my morning by St. Paul's High School and their dedication to the 'Chase' from the day, I know without this inspiration I would of not reached Golden this day! Going down Rogers Pass was a wonderful delight of speed, I reached a max speed of 90 km/hr which was a complete rush but a nice rest! From there my brother hopped on a bike and we rode the remainder 60kms into Golden. 

Once we reached Golden we pulled up to a gas station completely exhausted. We watched the semis blow by, and those come in an
d fuel up! A beautiful Harley strolled in and filled up, with a man riding it named Dave. He came up to us and we talked. Ironically enough he had family members effected by the exact same cancer as my father and generously made a hundred dollar donation for Alberta!!!!! I cannot thank him enough as he rejuvenated my tired body. I had to physically get on my bike and spend time thinking about this and travelled over Kicking Horse Mountain Pass. I cruised into Field BC on how Dave's generosity and his story. This ended up a being a 275km day all because of those who have decided to participate in the 'Chase'. There is a picture of Dave and I below . 
I woke up this morning a little bit later in gorgeous Field BC!!!! My brother decided he would bike the 30km to Lake Louise and cross the provincial border with me, I have to admit it was greatly appreciated. Yet before we got there we found this really amazing bridge which we stopped at you can see below Brodie is sitting on it! 
The border was reached and I became overwhelmed with a feeling of gratitude of the generous people we have met in British Columbia! I encourage them to continue to donate and Chase the Cure as it is never really over until we find a cure to this terrible disease! 

We arrived at Lake Louise after a gorgeous weather ride and stopped and had a bite to eat and I continued on my way. Meanwhile Brodie and Ashley ventured Lake Louise and met a fantastic woman named Kelli at a bookstore who took a bunch of Chase the Cure brochures and posters. She was absolutely excited about the ride and wanted to make a difference in the fight against cancer through donations ! I thank her for this and encourage others to make a difference like Kelli! I cruised one of the most gorgeous roads I have ever rode traveling on the Bow Valley Parkway into Banff. Overall it was a fantastic day! We will spend the next few days prepping our Calgary stop and expect to roll into Calgary on the 25th of May and stay for a few days!! That is all for now! 

If you enjoyed the blog click here to make a donation that WILL make a difference in the fight against cancer.  

Have a wonderful night :) 

Together We Ride

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