Today we woke up to a delicious breakfast made for us by the Pendleton family (We really do love this family). From there we headed off into Kelowna to get brochures out on the city!!!! We moved towards the mall hoping that we would be able to set up a booth within or just outside the mall as it was a gorgeous day. Being unsuccessful at this we decided to place brochures in the windshield wipers of cars. Halfway through though we had a guilt come over us........ we thought about how we felt when these brochures were in our wipers and we drove away. We decided it was in our best interest to stop, and go and work on the AS Matheson Elementary School presentation we will be making on Wednesday!!!!! I was extremely pleased to see some of my old friends from the University of British Columbia today and chat with them for a while.

After finishing up working on Chase the Cure at a coffee shop all day we decided to go buy groceries and head up Knox Mountain in our RV because apparently we can do that with the RV haha. We spent our night over looking Lake Okanagan (what we saw is above) and eating a delicious meal (below). Things became more interesting when we got kicked out of the park since it was closing time, and we had to drive the RV down a series of switchbacks, to get to the bottom.... I personally thought I would be wearing this delicious meal. We somehow managed to hold a pile of plates, our glasses and the extra rice and salad bowls,

All is well and Goodnight for now and sleep well :)
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