Even though Edmonton is only 154km away from Red Deer today was a day composed of difficulties! I woke up late due to sleeping near a road in which motorcycles/large trucks felt it necessary to rev their engines as loud as possible in neighborhoods. I proceeded with yet another groggy morning, and not wanting to get out of bed period! Finally I pulled everything together and got right on the road while my support vehicle sorted some issues out.
As I was traveling around 70km outside of Edmonton I realized that I was out of water. I figured I would stop at the nearest gas station pick up some water, and a power bar since I had ate my last one on me! I reached into my back pocket to snag my debit card and soon realized that this debit card was on my bed. I deiced to call the 'team' and ask them how sorting out things went, and where they were. It turns out they hadn't finished what they needed and were leaving in 25 minutes, so it would be nearly a hour and half before I saw them. I thought well I will continue to bike and stop at a restaurant or coffee shop and fill up my water. Well 10km later I heard the air leak out of my tire...... Now I had another issue on my hand than lacking water. Not near anywhere to get water I quickly went at changing the tire. I somehow managed to form and pop a blister on my hand while doing this, and get extremely dirty. Finally I pieced it together and was on my way. I soon realized though that Leduc was the nearest area to stop and get water which happened to be 30km away still.
I mounted my bike and was on my way... destination for water! I moved quickly in hope of vanishing a thirst I had. I moved underneath a over pass and pop went my back tire again...... I looked at the tire quickly and saw that a staple had precariously found its way directly into my back tire.... frustrated and tubeless I phoned support and found that they were still around a half hour behind me. I waited this one out on the side of the road, and have a sunburn on a area on my legs I missed with sunscreen to show for it.
Upon their arrival I raided the RV for food and water, and grabbed my spare bike as I did not want to switch another tube into the back tire for a second time today. From there I cruised down the road to find a photographer for the Edmonton Sun who has saw the RV and stopped to take some pictures as we moved into Edmonton. This absolutely brightened my day, as she was a delight to talk to and it was neat to see someone intrigued by the Chase enough to stop!!!! I thank her for lifting my spirits today!!!!!!!!
That is all for now but Welcome to Edmonton
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