Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thank You Lavoie's

The last few days have been absolutely full of headwinds/rain/blown tires and beauty. I woke up in Grand Falls, New Brunswick yesterday to gloomy skies and headwinds. I changed over to my other rim and ate breakfast and was on my way. It was not 10kms before I had blown both my tubes inside the tires and the spare I had replaced it with. I was frustrated with the tire I had put on as it was the same one that blew 6 tubes in Saskatchewan in one day, so I removed the entire rubber and replaced it and was on my way (yet again later than expected).

It was not 20kms after changing my tire I was in a torrential downpour. The shoulders I was riding on were flooded, and I was wet as a dog. Yet, for some reason this is my highlight of my ride yesterday. Maybe because I was in desperate need of a shower and this was the closest I was getting to one.

Yet, as I traveled I kept checking my bike as I was feeling drag. My intial thought was "Oh no, this bike rim is bent, too!" but every time I looked it seemed to be okay. I blew yet another tire so I changed it. In total so far I had traveled 100kms from Grand Falls to a small gas station off Highway #2. It was here I was feeling dog tired and confused.... I really thought my body was breaking down badly and was beginning to worry. I got back on the bike and started moving again when my back tire seized up. I looked, and sure enough it was a bent back tire. Frustrated, I tried adjusting the brakes several times until I gave up and removed my back brakes all together.

This is when the post-storm heat wave swept in. With humidity and scorching hot heat, I was dripping and sweating. I was still hoping to get to Fredericton which was 100kms away. I slogged my way up and down hills, nearly got mauled by three dogs, and traveled through some very interesting countryside on HWY 104.

By the time I had reached Fredericton I was dead exhausted, but I had realized that I had drawn off the Lavoie's, a family who emailed me the night before this crazy day. They encouraged me in so many ways with what Chase the Cure was doing. Yet, I really felt they were an inspirational family to me. They have gone through a lot together when their son was diagnosed with cancer, and forced to loose his right leg above the knee, yet he never backed down. I truly felt what I was going through today was not comparable, in the least, to this. I thought of how courageous this boy is as he is a true hero to me and someone I really do look up to. I cannot thank you enough for contacting me as I truly believe I would not have had it in me to reach my destination due to all the mishaps. Yet, you kept the pedals turning for me and my spirits high.

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