For the past few days, I have been cruising along the shores of Lake Huron. I am astonished by this province's beauty. If there is no lake around you (which is rare) there is lush forest, marshland.
We left Sault Ste. Marie a few days ago and traveled one of the scariest stretches to date for 100km until we re-routed down HWY 6. Before this there seemed to be a never ending stream of semis on a one-lane road with a foot shoulder all against a headwind :). After turning south to go toward a ferry, we traveled a gorgeous island of Manitoulin Island. We weaved in and out of shorelines of Huron and eventually reached a small town called Little Current. I was excited as for up to this point a headwind was blowing directly towards me and I had to veer left. But sure enough after traveling around 15kms towards the South Baymouth Ferry I was struck by a heavy headwind and terrible roads. By then, I was 150kms into my ride and a little tired, but kept trudging. At one point I unclipped my pedals and draped my body exhausted over the handlebars. Yet again I was encouraged by a honk, so I proceeded to clip my feet back in and continue to the ferry! We were lucky enough to catch the 5:30pm ferry and caught up to many vehicles who had passed me earlier in the day (this was somewhat satisfying).
How exhausted I was when I reached the ferry can only be displayed in one picture. This is me sleeping on the cafeteria table (I slept here for an hour and half, and the ferry ride is two hours.... I managed to see a little bit though :) ) The people who were eating behind me told me when I woke up I was snoring....
The ferry took us to a town called Tobermory. This small town was lively as can be; live music, beautiful boats, and people everywhere. What we didn't realize was how close we were to Toronto.
The next day, we traveled from Tombermory, ON, to Owen Sound. The unique thing about all the towns around Lake Huron is they have all these old style buildings everywhere! Some even are covered in vines that have traveled up over the summer!!!
Another thing I have noticed about Ontario is that no matter how busy the roads are, people are excited about this ride. Even just today I must have had 50 honks, and I have found that the people of Ontario utilize their sunroofs very well by throwing a thumbs up through the roof or a wave. My ultimate favorite was a lady who leaned out of her window and clapped. This brought a smile to my face as I thought about how it's really not me doing this (as I am not capable of completing a task of this magnitude), it's those who have inspired me along this ride.
Today, we made the stretch from Owen Sound to Barrie, ON, which is just outside of Toronto. Again this was a gorgeous stretch right along Huron with some gorgeous views to distract us. Yet, since it was Sunday, the traffic was crazy, with bumper to bumper cars (and a small shoulder, yet again)!!! We will be here for the next while to be welcomed by the Hamilton Tiger-Cats and the Toronto Argonauts. I cannot wait!!!!! Make sure to watch the Brian Williams Feature on Chase the Cure on TSN (right before friday night football) on July 10th!!!!
So long for now. Have a wonderful NIGHT :)
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