Monday, June 1, 2009

An Elegant Cruise

I woke up this morning to seagulls screaming and fighting right next to our RV at 5:23am, exactly 7 minutes before my alarm. I got out of bed and went to a gas station and grabbed the Edmonton Sun. I flipped over the first few pages and found a great article about Chase the Cure (click here to view). I was rather excited about this and began on my way!!!

The morning was brisk and I moved at a decent pace until I found a Ukrainian historical site. My love for perogies and Ukrainian food got the best of me and I moved through the historical buildings in search of these delicious treats!!!! To my disappointment the cafeteria was closed so I found my way out, while finding out what all the historical buildings were!!!

I hopped back on my bike and started to continue to ride on! Mysterious creatures I had never seen in my life appeared beyond a gated fence, so I slammed on my brakes to get a closer look.
It ended up being six bison!!!! These creatures absolutely fascinated me. They took off running with me when I started riding again and galloped beside me for 2kms!!! It was a special experience, especially since I have never seen these massive animals before!!!

Overall today went extremely smoothly and we travelled beyond what we thought we would by 150kms!!!! We covered 270kms into some awkward swirling winds!!!!!

Have a wonderful night, and tomorrow we will play with the Alberta, Saskatchewan border... I am going to try and be in two provinces at once!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wes, you've never seen a Bison buddy? C'mon your from Winnipeg they roam around like stray cats. Keep it up man!