Have you ever felt lost in a sea of people? I know that early this year for the first time in my life, lost in a sea of people in Vancouver British Columbia. I walked around Robson Street and felt engulfed by the waves of people. I begin to question myself in how am I ever going to reach out to those in cities such as Vancouver to inspire them to make a difference in the fight against cancer, and Chase the Cure. I came across a writing earlier this year that reassured me. It is gruesome in ways, but at the same time holds the truth.... Here is a excerpt from the book 'The Tipping Point' by Malcolm Gladwell.
"One of the most infamous incidents in New York City history, for example, was the 1964 stabbing death of a young Queens woman by the name of Kitty Genovese. Genovese was chased by her assailant and attacked three times on the street, over the course of half an hour, as thirty-eight of her neighbors watched from their windows. During that time, however, none of the thirty-eight witnesses called the police. It became the symbolic of the cold and dehumanizing effects of urban life."
This in turn was later dubbed the "Bystander Problem" (Named by Bibb Latane & John Darley.) Through a series of tests they proved that the knowledge of others being around a situation like Genovese the less likely people will take action; as they feel someone else will do something to correct it. When it is just one other person, they will take action the majority of the time and prevent the situation from worsening.
When a thought strikes your mind, whether it be as simple as a piece of garbage on the ground, or putting on a event for Chase the Cure, and you think "Why doesn't somebody do something about that." Stop and realize that you are somebody and you can make a difference. It is amazing as actions speak larger then words. You never know how much you may effect another life. You may inspire another person to feel okay with something as simple as picking up a piece of litter or you may inspire someone to speak out for what they believe as Martin Luther King did. Everyone of us has potential to make a difference small scale or large scale, we just need to believe.
For me Chase the Cure has no way anything to do with me, as it requires the effort of so many.
Bottom line without Canadians pulling behind this event, the support shown in Cancer Centers will not be as grand. So together lets be somebody and inspire others to Chase the Cure Remember when you feel like you cannot do anything to make a difference, just look to the person next to you and try and inspire them in some form. It does not need to be words, it can be a simple action or gesture.
"I Always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody" -Lily Tomlin
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