It was early February I was informed that a familiar face in the corridors of my high school, Nick Laping had been diagnosed with acute leukemia (this form of cancer affects the white blood cells as well as other organs).
I was fortunate to meet Nick late in my grade twelve year. I remember my introduction to him, it felt as we had known each other for years. His friendly smile and openness to make you feel important is something I will never forget. I only hope I can transfer this to my own life.
I remember I was in Nick's son (Jeff Laping a teacher at St. Paul's) English class, and I had racked up the courage to speak of my fathers diagnoses in front of the entire class. I finished my speech with "After seeing my father go through this disease, I know that my father is one of the toughest dads out there". Jeff responded with my Father (Nick) is tougher than yours.
I know for a fact that Nick was a tough man, it was directly shown through his passion when it came to raising funds for St. Paul's High School through the Phone-A-Thon to allow others who may not be able to attend St. Paul's due to financial reasons to have the same experience he had while he was a student at St. Paul's. He showed his passion when it came to basketball, whether it be March Madness, a Pipers game, or Crusader game Nick was always there in full spirit supporting the students playing on the team. Most importantly Nick showed passion for life, and his family.
Nick unfortunately passed away February 26, 2009. One thing I know is that Nick had the ability to leave a positive impact on everyone he met, no matter how much time he had spent with them. There is only one quote that comes to mind when thinking of the brief time that I had to get to know Nick "No love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever" (Francois Mauriac)
I've known from the beginning of this ride that I would never be riding alone, this just adds to that statement. I know that Nick will help push the pedals across Canada, bring courage to Canadians to band together in finding a cure to Cancer, and to support those who are/have been effected by this disease like himself and his family. I know Nick has already set out the proper people to watch over his family, and he will in turn be watching over them.
I ask everyone to continue to spread the word of Chase the Cure, so we can work to end this terrible disease that takes the lives of so many we love. I ask everyone to spread the word of Chase the Cure so we can support those who are going through difficult times with cancer. As Canadians we have tremendous power and ability to accomplish whatever we want.
Together We Ride....... along with Nick and the Laping family
Wes, that was a fantastic tribute to a great man, a tremendous colleague and a good friend. Nick would have been behind this cause 100% and I really believe his inspiration will help you push those pedals. He will be there. Good luck on your ride.
LTF - Larry
I want to say that I truthfully appreciate this comment and hope to receive others like it! I have been pouring my heart and soul into making this event large.
It brings a smile to my face to see that people are reading my blog, and hopefully are finding some inspiration within it! I know that I am going to need every single one of you on this ride to make a difference in the lives of those effected by this disease as well as finding a cure to Cancer.
Together We Ride,
Wes Bauer
I am very appreciative of your kind words about my Dad. My family and I have found this time very difficult but we find inspiration in your "chase". Good Luck!
Jeff Laping
I am very fortunate to have met your father and have him influence me in the way he did. I could not imagine spending my entire Childhood with him and how much he must of taught you! You are very fortunate for those times! Your father has invested a lot in you, and spent time raising you and teaching you ways to lead your life, just by simply leading his life the way he did. Your father will always be with you no matter what through the legacy he left on you!
Good luck in your quest your words about my father are greatly appreciated. I’d like to add or maybe help in your “Chase”…….My son’s name is Chase(18 mths old)and he still calls for his “Papa” anytime he enters my parents home or see’s a picture with his face in it. Chase is the light of my life.
I asked my dad one day while we sat by the pool in Florida this past Christmas…..Chase was doing something crazy that only he could do….and I turned to my dad and said “when does this over whelming sense of pride and love end for your kids?” Jokingly I added “ Sorry I ruined that feeling for you.”
He smiled at me, punched me in the chest and said “You never really do, Michael.”
That was my dad. Tougher than any other, but also knew exactly when a sweet word would mean the most.
Thanks again and best of luck!
Mike Laping
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