Monday, June 29, 2009

Ontario Beauty!!!

Northern Ontario is one of the most stunning scenic roads I have ever ridden in my life. It is composed of large climbs, cliffs, endless water and a lush forest. Every where you look takes your breath away, whether it be the vibrant yellow, orange, and white wildflowers clashing with the greenery, or the creeks, waterfalls, and beachfront on the side of the road.

On sunday we left Winnie the Pooh's birthplace and traveled southeast through Lake Superior Provincial Park. The normalcy of headwinds continued on my stretch to Wawa. There was a goal in mind reaching an oversized goose. As you can see, after trudging against the headwinds I reached this massive bird (I'm the baby gosling in the picture :) ) .

While at the Wawa information center (home of the large goose) we were approached by a gentleman who was from Calgary and excited about what we were doing. He generously donated $40 dollars to the cause! After refueling myself with water, and consuming food we headed out again. We were stopped about 2kms due to a sign about Magpie Scenic Falls.... we couldn't pass this up... below is what we saw!

Finally, we returned back to the main highway after this detour and continued on our way. It was not long until we reached a place I hope I can return to in my lifetime "Old Woman Bay". It contained a warm sand beach that stretched for kilometers, with a massive cliff shoreline on the left side (as you can see in this picture). It was nice to just sit on this beach and think about the inspirational people we have met on this trip, and what we have accomplished together as Canadians thus far. We definitely had urges to sleep here on the beach but realized, that would leave an overly large day for today so we continued on!!!!

We stopped at another scenic beach on route and met up two kind gentlemen tripping with a young Winnipeg artist by the name of Sheena Grobbs, en route to Toronto. They were an absolute delight to meet up with and I highly suggest you to visit Sheena's website to listen to her tunes by clicking here!

We ended 80km outside of Sault Ste. Marie last night and slept through a rainy night. I woke up this morning excited about reaching this city, and traveled through more gorgeous landscape. We stopped at a beautiful waterfall, and met up with a family road tripping in honor of their grandfather who passed of Leukemia this February. We conversed for a while, and I continued to pedal thinking about this woman's father and how he continued to inspire me to ride. I thought about how easy this trip is to do when you are inspired by such wonderful people who are fighting for their lives.

Keep your eyes peeled for another video, as I am currently working on one!! :) That is all for now. Have a wonderful day!!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Home of Winnie the Pooh!!!!

I have found Pooh!!!!! His home lies here in White River, Ontario!

Here is a little background information on how Winnie the Pooh was inspired here in White River:

"White River, Ontario - World-famous children’s character Winnie the Pooh was inspired by an orphaned bear cub, which was purchased from a trapper at White River by Captain Harry Colebourn, during WWI. He was a veternarian and his troop train had stopped at this Northern Ontario town enroute from Winnipeg. Colebourn named Winnie for his home city (Winnipeg) and took her on to England as his troop's mascot. Before shipping on to France, he left Winnie at the London Zoo where she was discovered by author A.A. Milne’s delighted son Christopher"

It was a rather large day today. We traveled through the gorgeous land of the HWY 17 along Lake Superior. This was one of the most beautiful areas I have been to, yet contained some of the most difficult terrain. Up and Down could be the category for today. I must have ascended and descended at least twenty large, large, hills today. Thank goodness for those who passed honking their horns and waving in support, or else I might have keeled over on a hill and rested for the remainder of the day. I was exhausted when I reached Marathon (100km before White River), and was thinking about stopping until I realized Winnie the Pooh's home was only another 100kms! Thank goodness, because we found this lovely oversized quad on the side of the road...... you should have heard the engine, I think it's an Arctic Cat 500cc (I think.....).

I also got to ride their bright yellow snowmobile!!!!!

I also forgot to mention that the day before, Brodie and I found Canada's largest suspension bridge.... it's pretty long; hence Canada's longest and most expensive ($18.50 a walker). It was built by a father-son duo just outside of Nipigon.

All in all it has been an adventurous past few days and we look forward to the next two days as we continue to travel this gorgeous province. I will leave you with one more scenic picture from where we slept last night.

Goodnight for now. It's not as scenic tonight as it was last night as we are behind a Robins Donuts... but the plus is it's open 24/7.

Friday, June 26, 2009

For Warren

Before I began this ride, I spoke at the Never Alone Luncheon in Winnipeg. I asked the crowd “Why do we Chase?”. I followed up by answering several different reasons. One was, “We Chase for Warren, who has fought this disease continually for several years.”

Warren is someone who has been in my life for a long time. I see him as an absolute inspiration. I have thought about him several times on this ride, his attitude, his determination, and his goal to live his life to the fullest and just get onto that Harley and ride.

Yet, Warren is currently battling extremely hard against this disease, and with me every pedal stroke of this ride. I find courage, and strength in Warren's fight, as he is a true hero, someone who has inspired me to go coast to coast, and I only hope I can inspire him to keep fighting.

Last night, I traveled to the Terry Fox Memorial, where Terry finished the physical portion of his run but not the campaign of the Marathon of Hope. It really grounded me and reminded me why I am doing this trip. The entire time while I was at this memorial I was thinking of Warren and so many others that have been hurt time and time again by this disease. I looked at the memorial and read "Somewhere the Hurting Must Stop." I truly believe this. On this trip, I have realized a few things about this disease. Firstly: There are so many people supporting those who are fighting coast to coast. Secondly: there are many passionate Canadians coast to coast working extremely hard to find a cure.

I would like to dedicate the next few days of this ride to Warren a man who has inspired me to do this ride; a kind, generous, and loving man. Warren I look forward to you pushing the pedals with me over the next few days....

Together We Ride.... With Warren.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Bug's Paradise

Well there were a few things we learned from Dryden to Thunder Bay. First, our cell phones and Internet cards do not work in Northern Ontario. Secondly, the heat and humidity in Northern Ontario is incredible. Thirdly, there are a lot of black flies, horse flies, and mosquitos. Yet somehow, Northern Ontario enchanted me with its beauty.

Riding up and down, and up and down through hills of gorgeous scenery, lakes, marshes, and cliffs welcomed me throughout this trek of the Canadian Shield. The shoulders were not the greatest so the Chase vehicle followed closely behind the entire trip.

Ignance, which is 120 km outside of Dryden, has an exact population of 1,501. It was funny to see because all population signs we have seen this entire trip were always ending in zeros or fifties, and this sign had been custom crafted to add that last, single, person. I felt I would add another three bodies to the population for about an hour and catch a nap.

We spent the first night in a town called Upsala. The town consisted of two gas stations, and a set of train tracks. The sleep was miniscule due to mosquitos buzzing around our ears and the slapping of walls, windows, arms, legs wherever they landed. We woke early to make our trek into Thunder Bay! I was convinced by my trusty brother Brodie and Ashley that the alternative route was not shorter and I should go another route. I was glad to take their advice but I later found out the reasoning behind it: a gorgeous waterfall called Kakabeka Falls, 30 km outside of Thunder Bay. I was rather pleased to take the detour to see this!

Tonight, we are staying at a the house of the Murdoch's, who are an extremely generous family. Their cabin is right on the shores of Lake Superior and is absolutely stunning!!!! I hope to have Internet over the next stretch, but I have been told there isn't much between Thunder Bay and Sault Ste. Marie which is 800 km away!!!! Stay tuned to find out!!!

Goodnight for now!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Kenora and Dryden: Poker and Generosity

We pulled into Kenora on Friday evening, after a day of pedaling through the ugliest road conditions yet, and were immediately welcomed into the home of our good friends, Gene and Ollie Dunn. They let the entire Chase crew stay at their beautiful cabin on Lake of the Woods, and made sure I was getting my protein by feeding us, and feeding us, and feeding us. When it wasn't meal time, it was snack time. Needless to say, they were gracious hosts that took very good care of us! I think Ollie just wanted to make sure I didn't waste away... ;)

On Saturday, we all boated out to Smith Camps for a Poker Tournament that was organized for Chase the Cure by Ollie and Gene's neighbour, Murray Genik. He did a phenomenal job! At the end of the night, or should I say morning, (it went until after 1 a.m.!) 55 players were whittled down to two, thanks to Ollie and Ashley, and it proved to be an incredible time, as well as an incredible fundraiser! Murray managed to raise over $5300 for the Chase and gave out some amazing donated prizes! Thanks to everyone who came out to support! Special thanks to Heather who helped Murray with the event as well as all the Smith Camps staff. All of you have been a part of a great cancer-fighting fundraiser that will see all the profits going to assist cancer services at The Lake of the Woods Hospital in Kenora.

One amazing thing about being a part of these fundraisers is that we get to meet so many incredibly generous people, and this event was no exception! While there, we met Clyde, the Sales Manager at McKinstry Chrysler in Dryden, ON. He was having a great time, laughing and joking while playing at Ashley's table toward the end of the night. He started talking about his admiration for the Chase and showed a lot of enthusiasm for the cause. Soon, he was mentally arranging our arrival into Dryden, and had big plans for us. Little did we know what was in store!

By the time we got to Dryden, he had contacted a local radio station, joined forces with his coworkers to make a combined donation and buy t-shirts, set us up with lunch from the local Dairy Queen, and a complimentary room at the Best Western! It's people like Clyde that make this ride so special, because he didn't stop there. Later in the evening, we were walking and he happened to drive by. As it turned out, we were heading to the same destination! So, Clyde offered to give us a ride, and ended up buying our meals. Clyde, we can't thank you enough! You've shown a tremendous amount of generosity and you are an inspiration to others who want to embrace the Chase in their own ways.

If Kenora and Dryden taught me anything, it's that you don't have to be a big city to have a big heart. These past few days have been a definite highlight! I'm very excited to see what the rest of this journey has in store.

But I'm not gonna lie, for now, all I can think about is my fluffy pillow... Good night, Ontario.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

You Never Ride Alone On This Trip

One thing I have learned on this trip is no matter what, you never ride alone. Coast to Coast there is always someone I think about on my rides reminding me why I decided to go out and journey into a trip of this magnitude. There have people I have met along the way that do extraordinary things right as I finish my ride for the day, and they inspire me to continue to pedal where I think about them, constantly. Today was no exception at all. I am ever so grateful for a woman who came into my life, many years ago, when my father first returned to be the President and CEO of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers.

Sharon has always been there in true Blue spirit, volunteering her time. Yet, the amount she volunteers qualifies her as full-time staff. She has watched me grow from a young child into who I am now. Over the last while this woman of super-hero characteristics life has been turned upside down by being touched by cancer. Tests, blood work, what ever it be does not stop her from volunteering with the Bombers. I was thrilled when director of Player Personal John Murphy came up to me and said he wanted to do something special for Sharon. John and I came to a decision that the ride out from Winnipeg to Kenora would be dedicated to Sharon, and John would donate $100 for every year she volunteered with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers (Sharon has entered her 11 season with the big blue). Going into the presentation I could not believe the generosity of this man, but now the staff of the Bombers know Sharon has to volunteer 25 more years to meet the generous donation of John as he was unable to figure out how many seasons Sharon had participated in.

As I stated, people who do extraordinary things drive me to continue to pedal. In true fashion, I pushed myself a day ahead while riding out with Sharon, as she was truly there in spirit. She made the pedals feel light even though a headwind was present. She made my heart feel strong, and most of all she made me feel alive. I cannot thank Sharon enough for the strength she gave me today as we did hit some very difficult roads as they were in poor, poor, condition. Construction created a 20 km stretch of sand/gravel on a two-way traffic road. It was here, that I had my first fall biking due to deep gravel, but it was Sharon that picked me up and put me back on that bike and had me continuing.

If it was not for her being my inspiration today I truly believe I would not have reached my destination. I reached Kelowna exhausted, but I reached it with a proud feeling that I was able to dedicate my ride out to a one of a kind woman.

I told Sharon I would take pictures of the 220km stretch of road we rode together, so below are a few pictures of what we saw!

Together We Ride with Sharon!!!!!!!! :)

What a Day!

I have had this blog written for the last couple of days but have not had an opportunity to post it until now! 

Today I can say was not an average day for Wes Bauer. I woke up at home in Winnipeg to cameras, and equipment being hauled into our living room. Immediately our house had been turned from a living area, to a studio. Lights, wires, monitors and two cameras. The reasoning behind all of this was we were being visited by a very special person named Brian Williams. He has interviewed many celebrities, athletes, you name it he has probably interviewed it.

Growing up around football I had always seen Brian Williams on CBC sports, and now TSN. The features he commits himself to are always filled with passion and well executed by himself and those involved. There was excitement inside of me knowing that I was going to be interviewed by Brian Williams and I would have the opportunity to share my story, and the stories of so many I have met on this trip while encouraging Canadians to make a difference to end this disease. Brian and his crew had prepped phenomenal questions and over the hour or so interview with my father and I, you were able to see why this man is well known for his features! Everything he did was done to his standard, he did not have a problem admitting to himself what he did was not up to his potential and would just ask to do it over. One thing that was great about this man was how excited he was to be there interviewing us. 

From there we were off to the St. Boniface area for the last few shots with TSN. Karen the producer for this feature was there. I must say that I am continually impressed by the people TSN has hired for this featured, they all have carried themselves to be great people. Every single time I meet a camera man, sound man, producer, interviewer I am astonished at the quality of the person. This time was not an exception at all, again I was pleased to work together with truly great people. We had shots of my father and I and a short interview with Karen! I must admit that one of my favorite parts was how the sound guy could hear every word a group of school children yelling "I want to be on television". He would just smile and tell me what they were saying and say these responses of these kids keep becoming cleverer and cleverer 

After the interview I was off to the Chase the Cure Bud N Spud! This event was put on by Nicole Laping who serves as an absolute inspiration to me on my ride I cannot say enough great things about her. Her enthusiasm to make a difference in the fight against cancer, and enjoyment of life is something I truly admire. It was extremely neat for me to meet her and see the similarities between her and her father who worked at my High School. 

This event was tremendous, there were so many different realms of friends present, which allowed for friends whom have not seen each other for many years to re-connect but also for those who did not know each other to become aquatinted! It was really neat to see many Chase the Cure t-shirts walking around the corridors of the Palimino Club. The event hosted a 208 people and through draws, and ticket sales raised $3,500!!!!! This is another tremendous effort by a community of people coming together to make a difference. I cannot thank Nicole Laping, and her family for coming up to the plate to organize this event, it was a extreme success and something the Chase will carry as a memory across the country sharing it with many! 

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

WOW WOW Winnipeg

Well ,Winnipeg has truly embraced what it means to Chase the Cure.

On Tuesday James Struthers had the Academy on Osborne rocking with an event he organized called the 'Chase the Cure Mixer'. This event had some of Winnipeg's most talented musicians including Flo, The Lytics, and James Struthers, himself. Both familiar and unfamiliar faces poured into the Academy to make a difference in the fight against cancer while enjoying these tunes. The night was kicked off by Flo, whose jazzy voice was a delight to listen to! We then moved into the unique James Struthers who awed the crowd with his shifty moves, and soothing voice. The Lytics finished out the evening with upbeat tunes. They had an absolute new sound of music that I greatly enjoyed. I cannot say enough about all of these artists. It is extremely difficult being a new artist financially but all of these artists found ways to donate.

The Lytics came out in full force even though they all had to be up at 4 a.m. to catch a plane for a show in Toronto. After their phenomenal performance they paid it forward by donating their first official paycheck to Chase the Cure. This act exemplified the generosity of the members of the Lytics. Please check out their music by clicking here.

James Struthers needs to be completely commended as this event was a complete success raising $2,500. I appreciate everyone who came out to be apart of the Chase as everyone of you have inspired me to continue to push this journey further while encouraging others to make a difference as you have against this terrible disease!!! I really hope everyone that came out had a phenomenal time, as I greatly enjoyed myself!

Previously, I spoke of Monarch Industries, a company that fundraised for Chase the Cure. Today I stopped by their office at noon, and my jaw hit the floor. This company is composed of passionate employees who seem to be one large family. Upon arriving I was bag piped into the office and greeted by all of the employees of the office wearing their Chase the Cure t-shirts. This absolutely thrilled me, as I had come upon a group of individuals who believed in the 'Chase' as much as I. After speaking to the employees I was presented with a cheque for $2,500! These group of individuals at Monarch Industries took it upon themselves to make a difference in the fight against cancer. These people will forever be in my hearts, and I will carry their belief, and encouragement all the way with me to the east coast! Thank you so much!

From Monarch, I met up with Steno who is a freelance cameraman who was hired by TSN to do a shoot for the Chase. Let me say, I am continually astonished by the quality people TSN hires. Steno met us at the Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg, where we took many shots. Unfortunately, due to the outbreak of the swine flu we were unable to go into the building and gain shots of the GD6 ward we would have liked to! I must thank Steno for his passion he showed while filming the Chase!

Following my meeting with Steno I cruised down to NCI 105.5 for an interview with Brian Cook. Right away, this man was intrigued by the Chase. We moved on-air and he was a great interviewer. I appreciate the passion and encouragement Brian showed for this cause and the story he told me about how he too had been touched indirectly by cancer.

After speaking with Brian on NCI I cruised to Chase the Cure's nutrition sponsor Gorilla Jack. I was met by Barry and Martin who truly believe in Chase the Cure. Prior to Chase the Cure, they donated supplements which completely made the extensive riding of Western Canada easier on my body. I was restock by them and even given a little bit more. I am proud to associate myself with these two gentlemen as they truly are some of the kindest people and really know what will benefit my body on this ride! I cannot thank both of you enough for your continued support. If you would like more information on Gorilla Jack products (trust me its worth it), please click here.

I finished my night off with a welcome by the Winnipeg Blue Bombers at their pre-season game vs the Hamilton Tiger-Cats. At halftime, I rode into a stadium filled with 27,000 fans! I was greeted by my father, and several individuals that are difference makers in the fight against cancer. After speaking to the stadium, I was presented by one company in particular that took it upon themselves to make a difference in the fight against cancer. Not only did Ram-Winn Diesel donate the RV, as a company they generously donated $5,500 dollars to make a difference in the Chase in Manitoba! I must say, as you can see below, Phil and Susie are sporting red t-shirts they had made for this occasion. There was a section of about 100 seats I saw of complete red! These were all workers of Ram-Winn Diesel who had decided to join the Chase and make a difference. I thank everyone who was involved in this phenomenal effort!

I also would like to thank those individuals who collected donations for Chase the Cure at the gates of the stadium (James, Annie, Mandy, Logan, Brodie, Laine, Shaun, Gillian... I know there are a few I am missing so please tell me as I would really like to acknowledge your leadership in this effort). Your determination in making a difference in the fight against cancer, assures me that as Canadians we will find a cure to this terrible disease! Thank everyone for a memorable last few days!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

A True Winnipeg Welcome

Today we left Portage and cruised into Winnipeg! The weather for the last two days has been absolutely phenomenal. Upon coming into Winnipeg you realized how much this ride means to many here. Cruising into the Winnipeg area we stopped in Elie where we were greeted by a woman named Carol Fossay! Let me tell you this lady treated us like gold! She brought cool waters, cookies, and a extremely generous donation! She even offered up her hot tub if I had sore muscles!!! Following this I received an email from my friend Gene Dunn from Monarch industries and the picture consisted of 30 employees here in Winnipeg wearing Chase the Cure T-shirts! 

 I had a fellow right at the perimeter lean out of the yelling “Keep Going Wes Bauer Keep Going!” 

The Chase moved forward into Winnipeg, and met up with a group of cyclists!!! Devon and the Winnipeg Police service had organized one of the neatest escorts down Portage, which is a extremely busy street in Winnipeg. It was great to watch these Policemen on motorcycles cruise in and out of traffic allowing us to move through red lights!!! The crowd that cycled was composed of all ages, it was great to see many familiar faces and unfamiliar faces. Special thanks goes out to Jon Oosterhuis and Doug Brown for coming out and riding with us representing the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. 

After arriving at the Winnipeg Blue Bombers Stadium a BBQ was set up and many media interviews were conducted! I appreciate all the reporters that came out to the Chase the Cure ride in to make a difference in the fight against cancer! Many that rode with us made extremely generous donations and I thank them for that!  

Today was a great experience and enjoyable to share it with so many lovely people I know that over the next few days Chase the Cure will reach new levels as we have many events taking place while we are Winnipeg!!!!! 

Goodnight for now!!! Together We Ride

Friday, June 12, 2009


Today I officially cross into the Manitoba Boarder making the count 3 provinces completed. 

The last couple of days of biking have moved rather smoothly I travelled from Regina to Brandon over two days. I found my mind wandering a lot about my grandfather who lost his battle to cancer in Saskatchewan, and began to think of the many in this province who are effected by this disease. I continually hoped that Canadians would understand the need for us to make a difference in the fight against cancer as we never know when this disease will become apart of our life.  I also to begin to think about how grateful I am for everyone who has made Chase the Cure what it is today. It has been a incredible experience to this point that has touched the lives of so many and we haven't even hit the halfway mark. I plan to continue to share my story while hearing the stories of others, and encourage Canadians coast to coast to make a difference in the fight, while supporting those currently effected! 

Before I left Regina I found myself not only thinking about the things that were said at Campell Collegiate, but also the things said by Jim Hopson and the Riders. I stumbled across a fantastic article about Chase the Cure in Regina and encourage all to read it by clicking here

I strolled across a couple of friends from a camp I attended in Alberta today. We met up in the oddest fashion considering we are both on bicycles going large distances. Calder and Kate are doing a Central Canada Bike tour biking from Camp Wanakita in Ontario to Camp Chief Hector in Alberta. They are raising funds for the strong kids foundation to benefit campers who are less fortunate and may not be able to attend camp without financial support! Check out their cause by clicking here. It was fantastic to sit down with them and talk about their trip thus far, and how the roads to come for the Chase are going to be!! I wish them nothing but the best in their journey to just outside of Canmore Alberta! 

There will be a new video up.... fingers crossed I am hoping for tomorrow and we will ride into Winnipeg June 15th from the Unicity Walmart please come out and join us!!!!! 

Goodnight for now from Brandon as we will be here for another day to chat with the media here!!! Together We Ride 

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

An Absolute Uplifting Day

When I arrived in Regina I was at the biggest low of the trip. I was exhausted after getting food poisoning, and biking into rough weather.

For the last couple of days I have been prepping a presentation for a Campbell Collegiate here in Regina. I didn't find out how large this school actually was until last night... a student body of 1,500!

This morning I woke up and had to quickly move to two in-studio radio shows, one with Big Dog, and the other at CKRM 620. From there we were off to Campbell Collegiate! The entire time I thought this event was organized by the faculty until we were greeted by a lovely 17-year-old girl named Hope. I soon realized that the event I was participating in, Campbell vs Cancer, was solely driven by student initiative.

The theme of the day was Awareness and Prevention. There were four speakers other than myself, and all spoke with passion and courage. One talk hit me specifically from survivor Harley Ast who has fought prostate cancer several times. He shared a poem at the end of his speech and the purpose of it was to encourage everyone to slow down in life... as sometimes we get caught up in the moment and travel place to place without looking around. We forget the important things of life as we become extremely busy. He asked everyone to slow everything down and see how it went. I know that even from slowing the speed down while biking across Canada it has unearthed a new appreciation for this country and the people in it. It is like a gift that, until now, I had continuously skipped over without fully appreciating it.

It was great to see youth my age stepping up to the plate making a difference in the fight against cancer. One of the most tremendous things that I have ever witnessed, was a part of the event at Campbell. At the end of the day there was a balloon ceremony. Before the ceremony, students had written the names of loved ones that had been directly affected by cancer onto biodegradable paper. They then placed them into environmentally friendly balloons, and as a closing part of the ceremony, let hundreds of balloons free. While this was happening all I could think about was my grandfather who passed from this disease shortly after my father's diagnoses had cleared up.

I must commend Hope and the students involved in organizing Campbell vs Cancer as what they did is a great accomplishment and extremely inspiring to me. All the funds they raised from their BBQ and T-Shirt sales will be donated to Chase the Cure, and help those currently affected by cancer, and find a cure to this disease within the Saskatchewan borders. I will carry their story across Canada and share it with as many as I can!

From Campbell we were off yet again to visit a CFL team: the Saskatchewan Roughriders. To many of my friends' dismay, I was presented with a Rider jersey which I sported during my interviews. After all ,when it comes to cancer the colors on the field are dropped and we are all one team working together in this fight. The Riders generously donated a cheque for $1,100 which was matched by Victoria Park Capital Inc, and was presented by CEO Janet Wightman. Both the generosity shown by the Riders and Victoria Park Capital Inc is something Chase the Cure greatly appreciates as it will go to make a difference in the fight against cancer within Saskatchewan!!!

Following the presentations I had my very first media 'scrum'. It was a weird feeling being surrounded by cameras and reporters, but exciting at the same time. While my brother watched in the corner with dismay (due to the colors I was wearing) I answered several questions from CTV, Global, CBC, the Leader Post, and Saskatoon's News Talk 980!

The day did not end there though! Following the media scrum I ventured out to meet a woman from the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency named Wanda and along with her came a woman by the name of Ilsa. A survior of cancer, Ilsa most definitely had a story to tell that reminded me why I am doing this yet again today.

When she was 16 years old she had a brain tumor. She was forced to be pulled out of school to have surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Her life was turned upside down and she fought hard for her life. After of painful treatments and great care her brain tumor was cured through treatment. One thing that struck me was how difficult it was for her to go back to school. She was forced to use a walker, and had no hair because of treatment. She said that it was incredibly difficult and harsh as she received looks all through the corridors of her school and did not feel comfortable being there. Now, she works for the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, and continues to make a difference in the fight!

(left to right: Wanda, me and Ilsa)

I have to send a huge thank you out to Dutch Cycle in Regina who cleaned up my bike after quite the sloppy ride from Saskatoon to Regina! This will allow for the bike to ride smoothly and make a difference in the pedaling! I would also like to thank Bruce Johnson and Janet Wightman for allowing us into their home while we stayed in Regina. They absolutely allowed for my body to recover and made me feel completely at home. Their interest in the Chase has inspired me to continue further on this journey!